Our online booking system books by seniority. By choosing the any provider option, you may not see all available booking options for the selected service.
Not sure who you would like to see? Visit our team page!
By selecting a specific provider the system will give you more available appointments for that day.
Still don’t see what you want? Please give us a call at 508 775-7400 for further assistance.
Not sure who you would like to see? Visit our team page!
By selecting a specific provider the system will give you more available appointments for that day.
Still don’t see what you want? Please give us a call at 508 775-7400 for further assistance.
Child-free environment:
For the courtesy of all guests and liability reasons, babies/children are not allowed in the spa. If you show up with a child, we cannot allow them in treatment areas or watch them in the reception area. You will be turned away and charged for the scheduled appointment.
For the courtesy of all guests and liability reasons, babies/children are not allowed in the spa. If you show up with a child, we cannot allow them in treatment areas or watch them in the reception area. You will be turned away and charged for the scheduled appointment.
Mask Policy:
Masks are optional for staff and clients with the exception of services with Laura Johnson.
Masks will continue to be provided, if you would like your technician to wear one just ask! We are happy to accommodate.
Masks are optional for staff and clients with the exception of services with Laura Johnson.
Masks will continue to be provided, if you would like your technician to wear one just ask! We are happy to accommodate.
Entrance update:
Please use Main Street Door to enter our business if you have appointments before 10 am and after 6 pm.
North Street entrance is available while our neighboring restaurants and retail stores are open.
Please use Main Street Door to enter our business if you have appointments before 10 am and after 6 pm.
North Street entrance is available while our neighboring restaurants and retail stores are open.
Want to join our fabulous team of professionals? We are currently hiring Hair stylists ! Contact us at [email protected] for more information